Our ref.: Sunrise/ASB-IRK2401/Service/2024/01

Subject: Invitation to tender for service contract Feasibility Study Expert “Increasing community resilience by empowering and creating risk-sensitive livelihoods for conflict-affected people in their communities”


This is an invitation to tender for the above-mentioned service contract. Please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:

We look forward to receiving your tender which has to be submitted no later than the deadline and according to the requirements set out in the instructions to tenderers. Please submit your signed Offer in English by 04th February 2024, till 17:00 pm Baghdad time, to the following e-mail addresses: nkhalaf@sunrisengo.org and countryrep@asbme.org. The Offer should include CV, Cover letter (1 page max), Technical offer (not exceeding 3 pages) and financial offer (proposed budget of all-inclusive fee in Euro). If you decide not to submit a tender, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing, stating the reasons for your decision.