Over the course of six months, five activities have been held, aiming to create social cohesion among the members of the community of Sinjar, which were;

1- An English language course: twenty boys and girls participated in this course for three months. All of them were from Sinjar city.
2- A Literacy course: in this course, the participants were only females. Their number was fifteen. The course lasted for three months.
3- Reviving International Literacy Day: people from both genders from whole over Sinjar city were invited to a festival, and Literary Day was revived. The participants were from both genders and from different neighborhoods of Sinjar city.
4- Reviving International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: the inhabitants were invited to revive this international day for the elimination of violence against women. The participants reacted to the event since they found that the women from Sinjar were subjected to violence more than all the other women in the world.
5- Reviving International Day of People with Disabilities: the purpose behind reviving this day was to include people with disabilities in the community. Since diversity itself is beauty.

The objectives of the project were:
1- Strengthening social cohesion among the community members.
2- Peacebuilding during post-war circumstances.
3- Promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Donor: Handicap International
Location: Sinjar city, Sinjar district, Nineveh governorate, Iraq.
Total Number of Beneficiaries: 182 (67 males &115 females)
Ages: 14-45 Years old
Duration: Six Months