In 2014, the terrorist organization, ISIS, swept over Nineveh governorate, Iraq, and committed horrible crimes against the inhabitants. Millions of people were displaced and tens of thousands of civilians were brutally killed. ISIS launched a genocide campaign against the religious minority, Yazidis, who resided in Sinjar district and a part of Baaj district. The aftermaths were incredibly disastrous; more than five thousand Yazidi men were murdered, more than six thousand women and girls were abducted and used for sex slavery, and more than half a million Yazidis were displaced from their homeland. To make matter worse, ISIS deliberately destroyed the infrastructure of the hometowns of Yazidis to ensure that they will not return anymore.

After these areas were liberated from ISIS, Sunrise NGO began to play an important role in rehabilitating and developing the educational system in Nineveh by launching Educational Support for Children who Returned to Former ISIL-Occupied Areas in Ninawa Province, Iraq project. The objective of the project is to support the educational system in Sinjar. The project provided the following services to the community;

  • Building Dastan Basic School of caravans in Sinuni town, furnishing it, and building the capacity of its staff and students.
  • Rehabilitation of water cycles, furnishing, and building the capacity of the teachers and students of Sinjar Secondary School for Females in Sinjar city, Sinuni Primary School, and Sinuni Evening School in Sinuni town.

Around two thousand students benefited from the services provided within the project. These sustainable development projects filled some significant gaps found in the educational system in these areas. Furnishing these schools after being looted during the war and building the capacity of the teachers and learners enabled the students and teachers to run their classes. After the accomplishment of the project, the voices of classes from these schools could be heard after being abandoned and left empty for years. 


Donor: Japan Platform
Partner: IVY
Location: Sinuni town, Al-Shimal sub-district, Sinjar district, Nineveh governorate, Iraq.
Total Number of Beneficiaries: 1814(749 males &1065 females)
Ages: 6 -70 Years old
Duration: 13 months.