In addition to the massive displacements, the IS occupation also resulted in the interruption of service provision by the government thus securing basic supplies for the region in the northwest of the province of Ninewa. The massive destruction of large parts of the infrastructure in the occupied territories also affected the agricultural infrastructure, including silos, seed, and fertilizer storage facilities were looted and destroyed.

Traditionally, the project region is one of the most fertile areas of Iraq and thus has always been shaped by agriculture. The region is used for agriculture in many different ways: large areas are used for the cultivation of wheat, barley, and field beans. Livestock farming with sheep, goats, chickens, or cattle is also an important economic factor, as is beekeeping in some communities.
Before 2014 most inhabitants used agriculture, farming and cattle breeding to secure their livelihood with two main sources of income; crops such as wheat and barley (winter season), and to a lesser extent fruit and vegetables (during the summer); and animal husbandry. These two activities are frequently combined in one household with crops comprising about 75-80% of agricultural activity and animal husbandry 20-25% and virtually every farmer had access to a constant supply of water through a combination of open-channel, sprinkler, and drip irrigation systems.

Therefore, Sunrise NGO, funded by BMZ, in partnership with ASB supported nineteen families with agricultural livelihood projects. So that they can durably be financially autonomous and feed themselves by themselves. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the revitalization of the local economic fabric and the fight against poverty in the project region.
The specific objective of the project is to support the development of sustainable and resilient livelihoods in the project region by promoting sustainable, conservational agriculture and the creation of jobs and income opportunities in small private business enterprises.

Donor: BMZ
Partner: ASB
Location: Sinjar District
Total Number of Beneficiaries: 90 families
Ages: – Unlimited
Duration: 1\10\ 2021- 31\12\2022